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Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference - stick



1. n. 1 a a short slender branch or length of wood broken or cut from a tree. b this trimmed for use as a support or weapon. 2 a thin rod or spike of wood etc. for a particular purpose (cocktail stick). 3 a an implement used to propel the ball in hockey or polo etc. b (in pl.) the raising of the stick above the shoulder in hockey. 4 a gear lever. 5 a conductor's baton. 6 a a slender piece of a thing, e.g. celery, dynamite, deodorant, etc. b a number of bombs or paratroops released rapidly from aircraft. 7 (often prec. by the) punishment, esp. by beating. 8 colloq. adverse criticism; censure, reproof (took a lot of stick). 9 colloq. a piece of wood as part of a house or furniture (a few sticks of furniture). 10 colloq. a person, esp. one who is dull or unsociable (a funny old stick). 11 (in pl.; prec. by the) colloq. remote rural areas. 12 (in pl.) Austral. sl. goalposts. 13 Naut. sl. a mast or spar. Phrases and idioms stick insect any usu. wingless female insect of the family Phasmidae with a twiglike body. up sticks colloq. go to live elsewhere. Derivatives stickless adj. sticklike adj. Etymology: OE sticca f. WG 2. v. (past and past part. stuck) 1 tr. (foll. by in, into, through) insert or thrust (a thing or its point) (stuck a finger in my eye; stick a pin through it). 2 tr. insert a pointed thing into; stab. 3 tr. & intr. (foll. by in, into, on, etc.) a fix or be fixed on a pointed thing. b fix or be fixed by or as by a pointed end. 4 tr. & intr. fix or become or remain fixed by or as by adhesive etc. (stick a label on it; the label won't stick). 5 intr. endure; make a continued impression (the scene stuck in my mind; the name stuck). 6 intr. lose or be deprived of the power of motion or action through adhesion or jamming or other impediment. 7 colloq. a tr. put in a specified position or place, esp. quickly or haphazardly (stick them down anywhere). b intr. remain in a place (stuck indoors). 8 colloq. a intr. (of an accusation etc.) be convincing or regarded as valid (could not make the charges stick). b tr. (foll. by on) place the blame for (a thing) on (a person). 9 tr. colloq. endure, tolerate (could not stick it any longer). 10 tr. (foll. by at) colloq. persevere with. Phrases and idioms be stuck for be at a loss for or in need of. be stuck on colloq. be infatuated with. be stuck with colloq. be unable to get rid of or escape from; be permanently involved with. get stuck in (or into) sl. begin in earnest. stick around colloq. linger; remain at the same place. stick at it colloq. persevere. stick at nothing allow nothing, esp. no scruples, to deter one. stick by (or with or to) stay loyal or close to. stick 'em up! colloq. hands up! stick fast adhere or become firmly fixed or trapped in a position or place. stick in one's gizzard see GIZZARD. sticking-plaster an adhesive plaster for wounds etc. sticking-point the limit of progress, agreement, etc. stick-in-the-mud colloq. an unprogressive or old-fashioned person. stick in one's throat be against one's principles. stick it on sl. 1 make high charges. 2 tell an exaggerated story. stick it out colloq. put up with or persevere with a burden etc. to the end. stick one's neck (or chin) out expose oneself to censure etc. by acting or speaking boldly. stick out protrude or cause to protrude or project (stuck his tongue out; stick out your chest). stick out for persist in demanding. stick out a mile (or like a sore thumb) colloq. be very obvious or incongruous. stick pigs engage in pigsticking. stick to 1 remain close to or fixed on or to. 2 remain faithful to. 3 keep to (a subject etc.) (stick to the point). stick to a person's fingers colloq. (of money) be embezzled by a person. stick together colloq. remain united or mutually loyal. stick to one's guns see GUN. stick to it persevere. stick to one's last see LAST(3). stick up 1 be or make erect or protruding upwards. 2 fasten to an upright surface. 3 colloq. rob or threaten with a gun. stick-up n. colloq. an armed robbery. stick up for support or defend or champion (a person or cause). stick up to be assertive in the face of; offer resistance to. stick with colloq. remain in touch with or faithful to. stuck-up colloq. affectedly superior and aloof, snobbish. Derivatives stickability n. Etymology: OE stician f. Gmc
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  I. noun Etymology: Middle English stik, from Old English sticca; akin to Old Norse stik ~, Old English stician to ~ Date: before 12th century a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub: as, a usually dry or dead severed shoot, twig, or slender branch, a cut or broken branch or piece of wood gathered for fuel or construction material, 2. a long slender piece of wood or metal: as, a club or staff used as a weapon, walking ~, an implement used for striking or propelling an object in a game, something used to force compliance, a baton symbolizing an office or dignity, a piece of the materials composing something (as a building), any of various implements resembling a ~ in shape, origin, or use: as, composing ~, an airplane lever operating the elevators and ailerons, the gearshift lever of an automobile, something prepared (as by cutting, molding, or rolling) in a relatively long and slender often cylindrical form , 6. person, chap, a dull, inert, stiff, or spiritless person, remote usually rural districts regarded especially as backward, dull, or unsophisticated ; boondocks, an herbaceous stalk resembling a woody ~ , mast I,1, a piece of furniture, 11. a number of bombs arranged for release from a bombing plane in a series across a target, a number of parachutists dropping together, a marijuana cigarette, 13. punishment or the threat of punishment used to force compliance or cooperation , criticism, abuse, ~like adjective II. transitive verb Date: 1937 to hit or propel (as a hockey puck) with a ~, III. verb (stuck; ~ing) Etymology: Middle English stikken, from Old English stician; akin to Old High German ~en to prick, Latin instigare to urge on, goad, Greek stizein to tattoo Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to pierce with something pointed ; stab, to kill by piercing, to push or thrust so as or as if to pierce, 3. to fasten by thrusting in, impale, push, thrust, to put or set in a specified place or position, to furnish with things fastened on by or as if by piercing, to attach by or as if by causing to adhere to a surface, 7. to...
Толковый словарь английского языка


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